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LEX WE CAN tour 2022


Lexsoul Dancemachine tours Canada from The Hogtown to The Sin City. 😎 We’re bringing the sweets from 20th-30th September around Ontario and Quebec region. Find your dates and notify them rich Estonian aunts and uncles. Our brand of funk can’t be kept off the streets even by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Sep 20 | Meet’n’Greet at The Big Fam Jam, The Supermarket, Toronto

Sep 21 | Lexsoul plays on a doubledecker, around Toronto

Sep 22 | Funk at The Factory at Cotton Factory, Hamilton

Sep 23 | Estonian Music Week at The Axis Club, Toronto

Sept 24 | Paddy Flaherty’s – Seaway Rd., Sarnia

Sep 27 | The Mansion Kingston

Sep 28 | Historic Red Dog, Peterborough

Sep 30 | POP Montreal Festival, Jardins Gamelin